Peeling Peaches

13. februar 2011 Annonse Lagre Mer Se kommentarer

Denne oppgaven er lettere hvis du først blancherer fruktene for å løsne huden. Skår bunnen av hver fersken lett med en X før du blancherer. Arbeid i satser på 3 eller 4, tilsett fersken i kokende vann i 2 til 3 minutter. Bruk en skje med skje for å overføre dem til et isvannsbad for å stoppe tilberedningen. Fjern huden med en kniv.

Kommentarer (3)

Legg til kommentar Anonym 5. januar 2019 Babyen min sov aldri bra (spesielt gjennom natten) før jeg begynte å bruke nettstedet >> SLEEPBABY.ORG<>SLEEPBABY.ORG<< - sorry, you can't post links here so you'll have to turn it into a normal link :) Best of luck to you and your family! Anonymous August 25, 2018 These instructions worked perfectly. I had beautiful large local peaches that were quite ripe. I blanched for 2.5 minutes. Then plunged into ice water to stop the cooking process. It is important when you are trying something for the first time to do a test first. Test one peach for timing. Why would you blindly risk all 6 peaches without checking first? All peaches are not alike. Different sizes, different degrees of ripeness, different varieties. A little common sense will save a lot of aggravation. Good thing they were local peaches- you can go get more and try again. Anonymous August 19, 2018 This is way too long for just peeling the skin. I just ruined 6 beautiful fresh local peaches by doing this. I will be blanching for maybe 30 seconds next time. I followed the recipe to a T for 2 minutes and then put the peaches in the ice bath and I have gross mushy peaches. Advertisement